Kebobrokan rezim suharto biography
Krisis Kebebasan Era Soeharto -
Suharto (8 June – 27 January ) was an Indonesian military officer and the second president of Indonesia.
Kebobrokan rezim suharto biography
27 Januari , Soeharto wafat.
President suharto biography
SOEHARTO mundur sebagai Presiden Republik Indonesia (RI) ke-2, pada 21 Mei Peristiwa itu kerap disebut-sebut sebagai kemenangan demokrasi rakyat atas .
18 Tahun Mundurnya Soeharto dan Pengaruh Rezim Orde Baru
Suharto was the second President of Indonesia, having held the office for 31 years from following Sukarno's removal until his resignation in Suharto was born in a small village, .